Sunday, July 11, 2010

Meet Tamara! This week's natural hair feature!!

1. How long have you been natural? Did you transition, BC, both?
My 4 yr nappiversary is in October.  I transitioned for 5 months and then BC’d.  It was the most liberating thing, I’ve ever done in my life.  I recommend it because it give you the opportunity to learn your hair as it grows. 

2. What reaction have you received since going natural? Did you announce your decision or did you just do it?
Many people were more shocked that I cut my hair than anything.  I believe the natural thing was a bonus.  I received a lot of positive responses about going natural but my mom was concerned that I made the conscious decision to BC rather cut all my hair off. People were aware that I was transitioning but the BC was a huge surprise.  Most people said they liked my natural hair and ‘it looks cute on you” was the typical response.

3. What are your current fave styles to do on your hair? Do you have a staple style? Please share how you achieve it :)
Currently, I love twist out, it’s easy, cute and helps  me to effective moisturize both my hair and scalp. My staple is the curly puff.  You can find information on my Curly puff here

4. What has been the most significant change within yourself that you've noticed since going natural?
I’m more confident and it’s a sincere confidence more than a superficial self-esteem that was a consequence of other’s opinion of me.   Many times I was identified as the girl with the long hair.  After I cut my hair, I could no longer hide behind my hair.  I really had to take a long hard look at myself.  When I went natural I removed the mask of societies and others definition of beauty.  I was afford the opportunity to define my own individual beauty.  I feel free to be me, uniquely.

5. What do you love most about being natural?
I love the individual beauty of it and how comfortable I am in my own skin regardless of the weather.

6. What are your must-have products? Any favorites that you cannot do without?
The Original Fragrance Shop moisturizing shampoo and hair pudding conditioner. Giovanni Direct Leave-In Condition, Olive Oil and Shealoe.

7. Finally, any advice you'd like to give to women who have just BC'd or are thinking of going natural? Please share :)
For those thinking about going natural, naturality is a lifestyle change and it’s a journey you must have patience and faith that your hair is growing perfectly for you.  Your natural hair is like a finger print it is unique to only you.

Tamara is the creator of the site - Be sure to check her out :)


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I knew I recognized that hair :) Great feature :)