Friday, January 6, 2012

Glowing GREEN Smoothie!

First off - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 6 days in. Lol It's been busy already.

Anywho, I want to tell you all about this healthy smoothie I've become privy to from a woman I posted about not too long ago. Heather Lindsey posted about this Glowing Green Smoothie (GGS) on her blog. I thought it was interesting but at the time I had no desire to try it. However, as I've been getting older I feel the need to do more for my health and be better to myself, inside out. So, I reconsidered. And I checked out the site of the young lady where this originated from - her name is Kimberly Snyder and her website explains all about detox and diet/health, etc.

So, I went to Whole Foods today to get everything I need to start this tomorrow. I had my last cup of Starbucks yesterday (today was PAINFUL! Lol) and I plan to drink these everyday instead of that cup of coffee. I'm looking forward to the natural energy I'll have (without caffeine and sugar - the crash you get w/that is horrible!) and I know I'm doing something great for my body, also.
Here is what you'll need (you want to try and stick with Organic ingredients):
  • 1/2 cups of filtered or spring water
  • 1 head chopped organic Romaine lettuce
  • 8 cups of organic spinach
  • 3 stalks organic celery
  • 1 organic apple, cored and chopped
  • 1 organic pear, cored and chopped
  • 1 organic banana
  • Juice of 1/2 organic lemon
This will make 2 smoothies.
To make - Add water, chopped lettuce, and chopped spinach to the blender. Turn the blender on slow speed and mix until smooth. Gradually increase blender speed as you add the celery, apple, and pear one item at a time. Lastly, add the banana and lemon juice :-)

Drink this in place of your breakfast in the morning. Tomorrow is my first day! I already made my smoothie for the next 2 days. Lol This way it's ready to go for me since I have to be up early. My other smoothie is in my freezer to thaw out for Sunday.

I tasted a small amount & it was GOOD y'all! Don't let the green fool ya! ;-) Let me know if you try it.


ChrLvsBks said...

I am also eating healthier. I juiced often last year. I need to get back into it.

I always read that it is best to drink juices within a few minutes. Have you read otherwise?

KeetaRay said...

Heyyy! ;-) You usually should BUT it's okay to freeze them until you need them, but no more than 2-3 days at a time. Like, I wouldn't freeze for a the entire week. Check out Kimberly Snyder's site b/c she goes in detail about that. She freezes hers bc her schedule is so busy and juicing every day wouldn't work when she is on the road. I plan to just do 2 days at a time (drink one now, freeze the 2nd one).

Balls Of Beauty said...

im gonna try this cuz i prefer smoothies in the morning since im not a breakfast person! i also wanna start Erica Snooty's detox plan she got goin too!

KeetaRay said...

@Kisha I feel you, I'm not a breakfast person, either - So this is perfect. Let me know how you like it if you try. I have to check Erica Snooty's out!

IntellectualElegance said...

Nice! This looks good. I was blended some other stuff for my green smoothie. It'll be nice to add another recipe to my "collection"! Thanks for sharing.
